"Field of View"

In-camera image, no post-production

"Leaves and More"

(in-camera image)


(on-camera single image, no post-processing)

A self-portrait

"Hot and Cold"

35 mm film

"Cardboard Romance"

(in-camera image, no post-production)

"Looking for a Shade"

(35 mm film, no post-processing)

"Hotel Room"

35 mm film

"Not That Long Ago"

35 mm film

"Orange Fire"

"A Hand"

"Blue Flames"

"Art New York" 

35 mm film


 35 mm film


"Inside a Gallery"

"On a Farm"

(in-camera image; color enhancement)

"In an Art Gallery"

"A Clockwork Bowler Hat"

(Remembering "A Clockwork Orange")

"A Welcoming Mannequin" 

35 mm film

"At Home by the Fire"

 An Aboriginal Orang Asli in His Hut. Malaysia

"A Small Cloud"

Sardinia, Italy

"A Look at the Past"


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