"Stairs in the Sky"

35 mm film

"The Enormous Soft Blue"

"Up or Down"


35 mm film

"Zeppelin Heindenberg Crash" (1937) and "Perilous Bicycle Ride Down Capitol Stairs" (1884)

(in-camera double exposure of two vintage photos)

"Untold Knowledge" 

35 mm film

"Here He Comes"

"Two Doors" 

35 mm film


"Merging Time and Places"

Top - Russia; Bottom - Virginia

35 mm film

"Night and Day" 

35 mm film

"Under the Sun / The Sun Under" 

35 mm film

"The Boy and the Sea"

35 mm film

"Yesterday's Meal"

 A Soviet Newspaper from 1988

4x5 inch film

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